

Louange Out Loud (LOL) is a play on words.  LOL (text language for laugh-out-loud) is commonly used in France.  “Louange” is the french word for worship.  Our desire is that kids (with their families and friends) would use the resources on this site to WORSHIP JESUS OUT LOUD !!!!!

 on this site you’ll find:


Jana Alayra

  • Info on our latest (and first) CD “Ensemble, C’est Mieux!” (Together is Better).  This first CD is a compilation of songs written by Jana Alayra and translated with permission from both Jana and MontJoy Music, into French by the LOL team.  All sound tracks on this CD were produced by Ron Alayra and used with permission.
  • Tutorial videos on the Choreography page teach the motions for each of the 14 songs.  Motions accompany each song helping kids worship Jesus with mind, body and spirit!
  • Purchase “Ensemble C’est Mieux”
  • Contact us


Cette page est également disponible en : French